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As Karekin I has stated “I was not born in Armenia, but Armenia was born in me”. It is now our time to live up to this saying, our time to help our brothers and sisters on the front lines, fighting for our nation, defending our country. This is our time to be tactful, tenacious and thankful. Thankful, that we need not worry about living or dying, but let us not take our privilege for granted. As the Armenian diaspora, it is our DUTY to show our togetherness and support our troops in any way POSSIBLE. Here is that way; My name is Tamar Kupeyan, and I believe, as Armenian-Canadian diasporans, we have a strong obligation to our culture, to our soldiers and to our Motherland; Armenia. In an effort to do everything we can from where we are, to support our troops and our people, I have decided to set up a pool on PayPal where I will be collecting funds to offer help where it’s needed most.


My mission begins with all of you and ends with aiding our Artsakh. I will be flying to Armenia on Sunday, October 4th and over the next few days, with your help, will be raising funds in order to send help to our compatriots, to the innocent families of Artsakh, to the wounded and to those who are left without shelter. I have been in direct contact with the people who have been actively involved on the grounds in Yerevan on a daily basis, whom I will be joining once I get there and ensure that the distribution of the donations is made accordingly. Numerous volunteers, in different parts of Yerevan with one common goal: provide essential resources to aid Artsakh. They have all been working hard since the war broke out to purchase, bring together and transport medical equipment, clothing, food and other first-aid items needed to send to Artsakh.


In order to process the funds securely and efficiently, I will be accepting the donations through our PayPal account. To maintain transparency, I will be keeping everyone updated on a daily basis, via my social media by providing photos and videos along the way.


Where will your money go: essential help to wherever is needed in the moment. The need for resources change on a daily basis, therefore the distribution of funds will depend on the information being received from Artsakh periodically.

  • Financial aid to families of Artsakh

  • Clothing

  • Medical supplies

  • Funds for our troops


Alongside the help of Christine Nigoghossian, Ardemis Mareshlian owner of AccentPrimeRecruitment, and Victoria Habib.


Please donate, share and stay informed.


Power lies in unity.


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